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 吴少清 (Shaoqing  Peter  Wu ):1960年出生于浙江温州,世界华人美术家协会会员、中国美术家协会浙江省分会会员。职业画家,曾荣获北美亚洲艺术家协会杰出艺术家奖,现居住于上海。        吴少清童年时代就表现出对绘画艺术的特殊爱好与天赋,13岁起开始拜师学艺,70年代后期在当地一家绣花厂任美术设计。在80年代初期深造于中国美术学院,为了从大自然和传统文化中吸取创作艺术灵感,独自前往全国各地写生,多次深入敦煌莫高窟,并沉浸在古代东方神秘主义美学思想之中。从90年代后期,开始研习东、西方美学,并创作了一批现代抽象风格作品,这一时期的代表作品有:《光与影系列》、《大地系列》。从二十一世纪初,创作的代表作品有:《状态系列》、《萌觉》、《无题》和《幻尘》系列等。     美国艺术评论家穆齐尔曾评论道:“ 作为一流画家,吴少清几十年的绘画实践,孕育着虚幻的时空,叙述着独到的感悟 ”。吴少清的创作以其独特的风格和思想,受到了评论界及社会的赞誉和关注。近年来,他参加了许多国内和国际画展,作品曾被美国亚洲文化学院及世界各地广为收藏,其中两幅当代抽象油画作品被美国 “亚洲文化保存委员会” 作为《为未来记录今天》项目特别表彰、收藏于美国国会图书馆亚洲馆。 Shaoqing Peter Wu, I am an abstractartist from Zhejiang,China,born in 1960.I am currently amember of the Chinese Artists Associadion of Zhejiang. I’m also a member of the World Chinese Artists Association.I live with my family in Shanghai. My talent and passion for the art of painting became evident in my childhood.I began to study painting at the age of 13. In the late 1970s,I worked as a Art Desiger at an embroidery factory in my hometown.In the early 1980s,I received special training inoil painting from the China Academy of Art.In order to gain inspiration by the spirits of the nature,traveled around the country to sketch and toured many times to places such as Dunhuang Mogao,where I felt intense attraction towords the ancient oriental mysticism aesthetics. In the late 1990s,I embarked the exploration of ideas and techniques of the modern abstract paintings,which I fused eastern style.The masterpieces of this periodinclude“The Light and Shadow Series”and“The Earth Series”.In the early 21st cent,my representative works were“The Being Series”,“The Chinese Landscape Series”,“Country Rich in Natural Beauty Series”,and etc. American art critic Musil commented:”A foremost painter in his field,Mr.Wu has decades of oil painting experience.His abstract paintings present temporal illusion and distinct insights.”Mr.Wu has received acclaim from both critics and the public for his unique style and ideas. Recently,I have participated in many solo and group exhibitions.I was awarded as a Distinguished Artist by the Association of North America and Asia.TheU.S. Asian Cultural Academy andmanyart collectors in the world have collected my paintings, and two of my paintings were honored by the Asian Cultural Preservation Commission for the special project of“Record Today For The Future”,and theywere collected by the Asian Museum of the United States Congress Library.
